Your ingame name: xX_Z_Kayno_Z_Xx The offender's exact ingame name:Remnibot/IWOlfingJR A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
How old are you? i am 11-turning 12 i am mature just so you now Your in-game name: xXKayneIsCoolXx :) (i think lol ile edit it later) What...
My In game Name: CaptainKayne Offenders In game Name: Dylstar_Rocks Rule That they broke: Be respectful and Common Sence Evidence screen shots:...
Your ingame name:CaptainKayne The offender's ingame name: Duck6258 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:he scammed me for my...
Your ingame name: CaptainKayne The offender's ingame name:ItzEpicPanda A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: fly hacks...
1.captainkayne 2.spikerobo 3.said he would be nice when he killed me and stole my stuff 4 i didn't get to screenshot him killing me he was invisible
i caught calabs2 griefing what he did he was killing chickens from our farm on skyblock and i costed a lot to make the farm and get the eggs
can i please have mod i will give warnings and i will be nice helpful not spawn people items and i will be respectful