Well, i said i DID quit Mineverse, but i did change my mind, i've decided to quit again, i've lost interest too much and this is starting to get...
So, I was recording a Faction series on my channel, and I had to stop playing around and report this guy for admitting killaura. Here is the...
Ello peepul, this is DylanFIFAHD from Lord Gaming (There is Skating, Crafting, Sniping, Trolling and First Person because this is a gaming clan.)...
Hey guys, i have a confession about Mineverse and for all my friends that were here for me. I am going to have to quit Mineverse forever, (until i...
Gave up.
I used to do that before i was banned, but when you catch someone.... It's different. [media]
Guys, i was bored, so i made a Panda Rap, ENJOY!
So, when i got unbanned, i had to continue [XII] without hacks, and turns out that i FINALLY got Completed rank back. The whole server (parkour...
Hey guys, when i was Completed, and that i got resetted, i finally got to 12. But i need someone to send me a video on how to slowly finish 12 for...
Hi, so i was experiencing issues with parkour when i became CoolBro327. I was CoolBro327 and i changed names to DylanFIFAHD. So, after i changed...