How old are you? 12 Your in-game name: FlufyTison What time zone are you in? Central Time What country do you live in? Usa What languages do you...
cypressing Scammed Me He Said Pay Me 2000 For My Sharp V Axe So I Payed Him 2k And I Said Give And He Didn't He Gave It To This Other Guy And That...
Mr_Noodles Was Killing Me And I Was Lagging PLease Tell Him To Give Me My Stuff Back PLEASE im crying in real life because he has my sharp V Axe...
CosmicGamerYT Said To Me That He WOuld Get Me Titan For 20k so i payed him 10k then he said he would get me the rank and he didnt so now he has my...
How old are u? 13 In Game Name. Christianjoeckel Time Zone. Central Time Us What County Do u Live In? United States What Languages do u speak?...