1. zy 2. DEEZ_NUTZ_OP 3. Advertising 4. http://imgur.com/4wDyjib
1. Cliffy 2. DEEZ_NUTZ_OP 3. Hacking - Kill aura 4. [MEDIA]
1. isaac_coolguy 2. DEEZ_NUTZ_OP 3. Scamming 4 Link= [MEDIA]
DEEZ_NUTZ_OP Nice_Kiwis Advertising The Justpvp0.7 isen't a hack client it is a mod pack with armor status and cords. Link to the screen shots...
My forums username is @Vazereye I will be reporting @Tweety ItsTweety was away from the game and left on his fly hacks. As you see he is fling...
First of all spawn is still claimed u can still dupe ores everyone has tons of gaps for all the money they glitched RESET THE SERVER not just the...
Hello, I have been thinking factions needs a reset many players have been using the mcmmo duping glitch and players such as Derekneugebauer and...
Ign: Vaz22 Current rank: Premium Wanted rank: Sponser I will give 1k in kitpvp for this rank upgrade
Here is the video of zero_insanity hacker Proff: [media] Here is screen shots of him trying to sell me a hack client Proff:...
Here is what a will be offering Kit pvp: 1k Factions: 200k Op factions 300k Not many servers but I good amout on each server
On factions a just spend 1 hour building a enderman farm using endermites but I cannot get the endermite in the right spot bc u need to but it in...
Well I don't really play anything but factions but I sure do have a lot of money on it I have 180k and about 93 goldblocks so if u want to trade...
For this rank I will be give the following On Factions I will give 100k plus 1 super golden apple and 14 gold blocks On op Factions I will give...
Factions - 45k Op prison - 100,000,000,000 Kit pvp - 100$ and two god kits - Suvival- 15k hellblock- 1500 Op factions - 120k and 4 voter keys Op...