Hey guys, its me again. So the recent surge of mod applications, with many of them from new members had me thinking. Usually, these mod...
┈┈╱▔▔▔▔▔╲┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ You have been visited ┈╱┈┈╱▔╲╲╲▏┈┈┈┈┈┈ by the pedo-monkey. ╱┈┈╱━╱▔▔▔▔▔╲━╮┈┈ Copy and paste this on ▏┈▕┃▕╱▔╲╱▔╲▕╮┃┈┈ the walls of...
There. I said it.
Bunny :) @JackIsBack sowwy @Aka_Illuminati @AthleticPsycho ;-;
There has been quite a lot of apps that include people who just log online, make an app, and leave. I think we should implement something that...
Hi guys, you ain't seeing a mod application right now, but hey, maybe a head on how to make one (just some things to consider hehe) First things...
MChengPVP xStrikerXBL Nudes...
Dear Cyp and Noobcrew, An urgent situation is now arising. Due to the overflow of people apply for mod after shortly getting on the forums...
MChengPVP __Remix So this guy was hackusating me, and then I said that he had no sense at all... theeeen....
MChengPVP XtremeNZ Egg spamming
MChengPVP Squidy424 Advertising much? @KingAlex @Prin
MChengPVP ImaPandaBear Dat spam thou
MChengPVP Lord_gammer [MEDIA]
MChengPVP pvp_kills hacks: [MEDIA] @GizzBots @KingAlex
MChengPVP Captainpigfan, Maggiepoodle1 Swearing, racism much?
Creative. MChengPVP Old name is chengj6MC K.
Commander @MCheng @JackIsBack Mascot: @Prin @Marko The Cat IECU (Infection Elite Combat Unit): @bpatt10 (Head) @AthleticPsycho @Ducky @Hells...
MChengPVP Toheedprff786 Spamming, and perhaps insulting in a degree?
MChengPVP onionthief Advertising.
MChengPVP asusman44 threats, spam, swearing