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Your ingame name: YOLO708 The offender's ingame name: Fruit1k A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Told me to kill myself, and...
I believe there should be splash potions in KitPvP because it gets the hips and. The hops when you're about to die. Such as when you're about to...
[ATTACH] Look What he Wrote Under CIrclings!![ATTACH][/QUOTE] LOok What He Wrote! He Is a Mean Peason and he also tpa trapped
Hello Mineverse players as u may not know me my username is archerhead. I love Mineverse I think it is the best in the world. I stated...
There should be a new kitpvp spawn that is more bigger and splash rooms for xp because alot of people take it when I'm splashing. Also trading rooms.