Dannehh has been cought hacking, using Kill Aura and Anti-Knock Back Your forums account name: HeyitsSnowy The offender's forums account name:...
HeyitsSnowy's Moderator Application!!! Introduction: Just to start off, on my account it says i am 16, but i am actually 13, i am not sure what...
About Me: I am currently 12 years old and a very kind, honest and reliable. My IGN is HeyitsSnowy (I just changed it from frogworf101) . I am in...
About Me: I am currently 12 years old and a very kind, honest and reliable. My IGN is frogworf101. I am in the Australian Timezone - EST, I live...
Hey guys, I am making a Infection clan. If you want to know my IGN, it is frogworf101. If you want to join, you will have to fill in this: IGN:...