@CypriotMerks, parkour V is broken yet again. The sign was broken and placed back where the block would be, but the rankup would not work. I tried...
Hello again. Not long after VIII was fixed, V was broken very soon after. What's wrong with V is that there is no rankup sign. @CypriotMerks...
Your in game name: PhysX Offender's in game name: Vestol Rule broken: Advertising Evidence/Screenshots[ATTACH]
If no one has reported[IMG] this yet, obviously as the title states the parkour course VIII (8) is broken. At the top of the fence pillar thing,...
Your ingame name: Thierry_Henry Offender's ingame name: spidercut Description of rule & how they broke it: Advertising a server...
So, as I get online today, I notice that there's a ladder missing on XII, III and there is no sign on VII (to rank you up to the next rank). I...
There was no prefix for Parkour? Your ingame name: ___o3o___ The offender's ingame name: AliSteve A description of what rule they broke/how they...