1.My IGN:MCKakashii 2:hacker: CustomHD 3:Broken rule: Reach, kill aura, anti kb 4:Evidence: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] the second vid skip to 1:37-1:42
1.My ign: MCKakashii 2. Hacker ign: Nethemperor 3:Broken rule: Speed hacks, anti kb, and kill aura MIGHT HAVE ALT ACCOUNT STATED IN CHAT...
1. My ign: MCKakashii 2:Hacker: xTiffanyy 3:Rules broken: anti kb, kill aura, reach 4: Evidence: [MEDIA] Skip to 0:48-1:02 hacking beyond are...
1.My ign: MCKakashii 2.Hacker's Ign: aCloudzzz 3. What they did?: Anti kb, reach, kill aura 4: Evidence: [MEDIA] 0:01-0:40 is aCloudzzz hacking...
1.My Ign: MCKakashii 2.Abuser's IGN: CookEmUp 3.What they did: Speed hacks and kill aura (hard to notice) 4:[MEDIA] skip to 1:40 and at the end...
1.My ign MCKakashii 2. Offender's IGN: Mc_Bacon_Bits 3. Rule broken: Hacking with anti Kb and Kill aura 4.Evidence: [MEDIA] skip to 0:50
The game is simple. Directions: 1. Write...
We should be nice to each other. This isn't a rant but a life lecture. We're all the same. You see this everyday. You see people calling other...
Anyone know any cool looking pvp texture pack? I know someone did a thread on this and I gave a link on creating your own texture pack, but that's...
Hello! My IGN is 1honeybunny! I will not reveal my real name even though my forum name is "Jackie". XXjackieLOVE was my family member's account...
Sky Wars kill coins I'm here to suggest something that has been annoying me for a while in sky wars. You know how in kit pvp/op pvp/archer pvp...
1. IGN: MCEnderGames 2. Offenders IGN: xAssassinWitherx 3. How they broke the rule and how it effected me?: They were spamming and using bad...
IGN: MCEnderGames Ingame Spammer IGN: ChubbyKinz What they did?: Spamming/Advertising a server on creative. Evidence: Screenshot [ATTACH]