Soul One of ur mods is saying they will not unban him because he was hacking and there is o prof that he was so plz unban him and get ride of Soul...
hello 3 days ago i was scammed i had to get 30 spawner's for Mcproster and he said he will get me titan so i thought yeh what the hell that will...
okay noobcrew i have sent a report and i asked if they could watch lion or look at console i was told they cant use console so if someone could...
Well i got on today and a saw that my base today and it was blow to bits lion was there and i dont know how he would have found it tho because...
Hello This Is PsychoKrafter Saying He Hacks[ATTACH]
Well hello i have not heard anything from max for 4 weeks and he said last time you no its wrong then why did u do it i answered him and have not...
I have prof that she was hacking if you wont me to send it to you just contact me because i dont wont her being abused on other servers
Hello Many People No Me As XxNooobSlayerxX or Cody I Would Like To Apply To Be A Mod On This Server Because I Have Played On Hear Since The Server...