[MEDIA] How is this hacks? Like are you legit blind or something? @SnakeVenomPvP btw since shonal is banned he asked me to post this on his half...
1.Zackdavismc 2.VisingDreadFul 3. Threating 4. https://gyazo.com/48d10d8245c8bc089aabd0b2c09488bd Most likely going to ban evade...
1.Zackdavis 2.NL_Jeffrey_NL 3. hacks 4. [MEDIA]
1.Supernerdpvp 2.Clawifier 3. Rude af. 4. https://gyazo.com/71eba027de9a63c919c9a90c3e4a0b4d https://gyazo.com/cec227d2858ce19559deea5fa2e4f3a1...
So on OPPrison there something wrong any "B" ranked person has no perms being they can't even do /spawn or /rankup Please fix???
http://gyazo.com/8065b8c1ca1b7fdc11b41eb17780d9ad Makes no sence :/ and I am in I
1.Zackdavis1990 2. _Mega_cookie_ 3. being rude and mean(sorry for the badness for the picture and for its upside down .-.)(gyazo wasn't working)...
1. Zackdavis1990 2. xXxCollinPvpxXx 3. Being mean and rude to other players 4. http://gyazo.com/aa7b6a1fed60633856b5c0b6941bb83b...
1.Zackdavis1990 2.Nicosonic1234 3. Being super rude 4. https://i.gyazo.com/ece9b27c7a3858610e1a5e85e6b7bc24.png He said he would swatt people and...
Hello, I have a problem with Firo. Its been 2 months now and He hasn't responed >_< which really annoys me cause its been 2months. I was hoping if...