As @Alex has suggested, There should be a frame for everyone, describing their forum ranks. The ranks (new members, members, active members,...
I don't know if anyone suggested this earlier, if i didn't sorry, but here's my idea. Donors should get a frame around them that says the rank...
Similar to Hunger games, there should be an option to buy one-time-use kits using rubies. These kits would be in your inventory everytime you...
Hi! Its Lieutenant_Pr0 here, and I am suggesting new updates for Bedwars! As a very frequent player of Bedwars, many people know that after...
Hey Guys! random_Unic0rn and I, have created a new Bedwars Squad to compete against all the others! Bedwars is a fun game where people have beds...
Hi, my minecraft username is Lieutenant_PR0 and I'm banning the player PrinceJayden he has the hacks, anti-knockback, kill aura, reach, and no...
I am 16 years old. My name is Andrew Seo. My In-Game username is random_PR0GAMERZ. I am in the Pacific Standard Timezone (PST). I live in...
My minecraft id is minecraft_0503 For OP Prison Only So I bought Supreme, but all the other servers worked accept OP Prison Then I thought since...
Hi, my name is Andrew I'm 19 years old. My minecraft_0503. I live in the Pacific Standard Time. I live in California, United States of...
This guy named afonti0502 my name is minecraft_0503 Ths guy watches porn and he offended me a lot with bad words like ""
MY username is minecraft_0503 The scammer's name is Joeaxewarrior He was supposed to trade me 64 flint for a diamond pick, I traded with him, but...