The server is so great!
Who would win in a fight? A Sadist or a Masochist?
Hello people of Mineverse, I have heard the sad news of @Herf being abused severely by corrupted and biased mods. Although Herf being...
Alright, so, some of you may wonder why this thread is a thing. Well, for some people, they do not know how to apologize properly. So this is a...
The map that @Herf submitted a month ago that got accepted is setup on another server. So if you want to join and try it, msg me for IP. (We...
Something about drama
Ok, I think we should discuss about this before we should irrationally and violently throw him out of mineverse. Although @Herf seems like a...
Seeing that when you sign up, you only have 3 options to put as your gender like male, female, and "unspecified". I believe that gender is a...
Maybe lower it down to let's say zero? or 250-500?
It's not a bad idea tho #MakeMineverseGreatForOnce [MEDIA]
Yo @winter , sorry that we got off the wrong foot a couple of days ago. Although I didn't do anything to you until I called you a bad name in... (Cringe Warning)
How this works is that everyone on the server will have their on Tyrone following them(A ai player model). The Tyrone will be doing nothing to...
Last time I saw Tyrone was when he was going on trial. He pushed a turtle on it's back and the police came raiding in and I was like "Oh no, gotta...
Yup, here is the proof [MEDIA]
How old are you? - 15 Your in-game name: - GreasyBandage What timezone are you in? - Pacific What country do you live in? - United states of...
Top 10's are(From good to the best) 10. Batman 9. White Knight 8. Ben 10(The recent quan) 7. Cory in the House 6. That's so raven 5. Spongebob 4.... Vote for #28, he is da best! Edit: I'm sorry for this topic being so controversial, I didn't really intend for...
No really, it is!