[IMG] Thank you @boba for the artwork Congratulations to the top voters for the month of July: [#1] x_XStrafezX_x — 145 [#2] Humbug__ — 144 [#3]...
Ah, no yes, you're right.
I like this idea, perhaps with quest points? The only problem is that with villager spawn eggs they are, to my knowledge, practically always...
""5 more years" - mattenphew" - i_am_youtuber
<3 appreciate you so much
Yes, just did today so not included in this changelog. (Responded to your bug reports)
Welcome good to see you :loveheart:
Mineverse Updates — July 24th, 2022 [Survival] /coinflip Changed the tax rate from 15% to 6%. Increased maximum bet amount from $5000 to $50000...
2 i am not a mod ;] edit 1*
wrong answer
basically I birthed porky
Went ahead and did this for survival too, see this reply to the Remove Heal All suggestion for more info. (Will be applied next server reset) Thanks.
It's done. I created a plugin that allows /heal | /heal <player> | /feed | /feed <player> but does not allow for either to be done to all...
i have thought about it
happy birthday <333
Agreed. Changed to 2 quest points & $4000. (will be applied next server reset)