Absolute resupprt
appreciate it man
na bruh its facts stay mad bozo :>
ger > goku
When a builder is making changes to map they have to be op'd so they can edit it. This would basically be the same thing as applying for mod but...
you're changing ur pfp as often as cwes now
sup bish
Jotaro: DIO Dio: HOHO
@Aly please add jojos bizarre adventure parts 1-5, I assure you its good ;(
happy bday young lady
Well first off crew handpicks builders himself. Most of the builders work on all of crews servers (skyblock, mineverse, minetime.) Secondly this...
no support too cringe
pretty sure this has been asked for many times already, the anti really isn't the best but it does do its job when it kicks cheaters and not legit...
Watching it, so far 8/10. Really like how the story’s unfolding so far. Also I’m pretty sure it was animated by mappa too
yeah lets unban people like aspertaine real smart lol
bro op-pvp is already toxic enough
i would never <3
Absolute babe full support
you're the last man standing complete the mission.