this is very cool. but i think the cost to pack the set is too expensive. if anything it should be free, or maybe like 2$. idk why we have to pay...
thanks sab
yup, everyone assumes i'm like 12 yr old cuz i act immature to mess with people
lol thanks cloked
lmfao, tbh you gotta respect the KB grind and bow down to the axe god
Axe god in the house
Never. KB empire and axe gang will live on
Well you did say "OP weapons" which includes OP axes. also the kb 10 sticks are also useful and should not be removed. No support
The OP items in crates are useful for me. I take the OP/Ultra axes, combine to make non-enchanted axes, and use those in an anvil to repair my...
Yea add me on discord kunal#0076
No support, because of your view on knockback
The Fish Gang is actually currently in development under the KB empire. It serves as a direct partner to the Axe Gang. I would support adding...
Support. Great player to have around. Best mineverse youtube page i've seen. Also you one of the realest here.
Finally, a voice of reason
Yes Thanks, I appreciate your openmindedness
We sell s35's and s40's for discounted prices all the time. Even my archenemy Gini confirmed above ^^^ I've already explained how KB axes serve...
Support. I'm hindu, and on OPPVP all they offer for food is beef >:(
thanks fam
No support
Nah this is exploitable if you can come up with the middle text yourself. What if I make it something stupid like: goku4000 just bought pizza for...