good job not taking the most relevant post within this month serious. what an amazing staff! congratulations u should be promoted! so demoting...
Full support couldnt have said it better. i cant say anything about the staff as robosmith said their ego is fragile mine and his posts were...
kinda irrelevant but sure i dont see why not
LOL hilarious
dont u have a job or something?
makes no sense to change the whole plugin if thats what it requires and it wouldnt make that big of an impact anyways the majority of ppl dont...
i've only started being active on forums recently lmao i rly thought it took 805 pages
Full support creative defo needs some improvements and many good ones are mentioned here. imo there should only be 1 maybe 2 competitions but...
yes :( all we needed was 2 ppl active for 10mins going back and forward while no mods were on :(
agreed unless grayman = cheap
you misspelled jolly
im wondering who is poopy? i only know poppy
Neutral it just needs a nerf as previously stated
i thought poopy is dead
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMFAO IM CRYING I SET THAT UP AGES AGOOOOOOO btw im banned so cant give the 270k back should thank val for that he...
find it silly
Welcome alberto! old
LLLLLLLLLLLLLL @Vem @Rent @Random @Porky @Freakface @DeathAuras @Darragh @CodBucket @Apocalypses @Aly @Acceptation @Sando3 @mattenphew...