tbh why is spearling on this list, i've known him for like 5 years and he was never able to compare with the top pvpers until he started using...
You expected something to work correctly on mineverse? The anticheat has been broken for 4 years, why would this be any different?
I dont like any of you
quarstrike can beat you btw, but he probably has vape so..
if rent cant get mod you dont deserve to take his opportunity
just remove the border
The Syndicate Project (The minecraft project) Ragegamingvideos (Quick build challenge) SkyDoesMinecraft (Mod showcases and minigames)...
If they improve the anticheat how will I be able to hack? no support obviously
are you trying to say jichdt doesnt hack on alts? he'll admit it himself in msg
Your ingame name: Everam The offender's exact ingame name: Pedo A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: inappropriate ign...
isnt this like the 3rd time you've done this same joke? pretty cringy now
Tbh I dont think you do enough reports
10-4 dinosaur
no, look at the other threads trying to remove /heal, this argument has been had too many times
no maybe about it, a lot of players have talked to higher staff directly about the anticheat and the fact is noobcrew doesnt care. i could send...
Your ingame name: Cashiv The offender's exact ingame name: ShootingAtOpps A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Nametags...
Your ingame name: Cashiv The offender's exact ingame name: Skrimish A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Triggerbot / Aim...
Hes 100% cheating here, the mods probably dont realize you cant swing while gappling even if hits dont land.
lol, lying wont help your case, i see it every time you log on.
im just wondering how a christmas hat would fit on my hat