IOS interface is simple and not bad, but for IOS you can't really customize it unlike android. That being said, both seem to be great. Here in the...
OOOF what's it about?
Oh, I wasn't behind a grade really lol just started late that's all
For me I started pre school late because the time I was about to start preschool, I just moved into my hometown and we were financially unstable...
The only thing I like mayo on is on a chicken sandwhich everything else I hate it on
Well its OP Pvp so what do you expect :p
Lol. what grade are you in rn?
[MEDIA] My record is 10:00:08
If you're always wanting to talk to me more, there's my instagram if you want xD, but that's up to you. I just dont hop into mineverse that often...
PRetty good. Started my second semester at college :)) hbu
please do :))) also reply at 3 AM my time kthxbye
also you msged me at 2 AM in the morning LOL
I am not cute
You should be more active on discord LOL hihi same here :c School (a.k.a. college) is creeping up my bed. Im best reached over insta or disocrd...
ahh okay, thanks!
Just curious where can I find the option to add a profile banner? I can't seem to find one. Thanks <3 :p
Welp the Patriots won... I honestly don't care about the superbowl as I dont find it interesting. All I care is the halftime show and the...