Not only is it immature to ask for supports, you no supported my application since I just no supported you. Lmao. You asked be in chat while we...
Purge, I cannot support. You keep asking me to support you via message on my server and on discord. Please stop, it is really annoying. Support...
banned or muted? make up ya mind
23 Xethorias
it's still not australia.
yet no australian applicants were promoted. X;
omg aussie hotties bye
Understandable. Thanks for your reply! I'll try to improve soon as I'm going on school holidays in a week.
<: hi janice
last week, mv had 204 players on, this week topped at 116.
real mature lol
idk this is easy
Hey guys, so recently I've been in touch with Noobcrew about new suggestions and he has allowed me to make this thread for you all to suggest your...
agree i also don't really know u so i can't judge on ur behavior