Ok real music
https://gyazo.com/316be545727a60245cfcdad8065094d6 :D @Gabby
almost got scammed out of 250 dollars on ebay, first time there 2 lol
lowkey pile who deleted my thread
omg guys leave mods alone they volunteer their time for us all!
I think I can judge, tyvm. I was at the head of the staff team for a year and mod for 6 months before that.
most hated staff member award?
we need a thx babe rating
u disagreed ;(
Me encanta!!!
Of course the server is being milked for money... it's a business. You really think our owners who are 20+ would really care about a block game if...
im wet
http://prntscr.com/g8h7hy we got some great staff
ilysm but ur bad
...just... how lol
if i were like kenji and mod, pile would have demoted me lmao
lol im done, not gonna say it tho cuz pls no ban