And /God or /Fly isn't enough abuse? Like I said, /God or /Fly could be abused as much as /V and we have plenty of examples of people abusing /fly...
Nah, I'm just pointing out how you can. Obviously there are people who are stupid enough to do those things. Of course if the moderator claimed he...
Your not wrong lol. Its that simple. Get enough "Evidence" and bam, demoted.
Not really, just crop a picture using snip tool (for windows users) and using paint as well without using a cropping website or some junk. Not...
Forgot to reply to these, haha. Anyways, thanks for the support.
True, but many of the great suggestions have been here for ages yet have never been implemented.
Its not like you can't forge evidence now or anything lol
The only way a player could say edit a screenshot is using editors like paint which require extreme amounts of patience and editing skills that...
I might just look at suggestions and improve them based on what I think should happen. Idk, still considering it. Plus, I'd have to play more than...
Kinda wanna do a 20 days of Suggestions just for the holidays. A major Suggestion a day to the server for like 20 or 30 days during December
Thanks for the support. Like I said, if its such a issue of being abused, why not remove the other commands that would be abused as much as...
I actually like that. I'll add that in, thanks.
Players were abusing a glitch involving glitching /staff and /friends I believe giving them wither skulls. Simple fix is to just use glass panes...
*cough cough* we have no say plugin logging /v anyway. Also, why do Titans have it yet Moderators don't? Why are Titans allowed to abuse things...
I'm just throwing out thoughts i had while reading the suggestion. I do support the idea, but it needs work of course. If this is to be...
Now, many of you know of the suggestion of adding, /vanish command to Mineverse. To most of you, this idea is supported by the community, but not...
So...This is Semi-Vanilla then? Traditional Vanilla servers have 0 plugins at all. Giving mods more than what vanilla commands would give you is...
Alrighty then, thanks for the follow.
Moderators should come into the job expecting nothing but a thank for their service after resigning, not a big fat check saying, "Thanks. now...
Lemon bar coma, woo