Y r u quitting the forums? Also PM me ur skype :)
Sure, if you see me in game feel free to talk to me :)
Blueman I thank you so much for your service and I wanted to let you know that you did an amazing job as a mineversr modertaor. I hope you can...
god :)
Being rank God feels good.
Feels good to be able to /heal /fix and stuff on kitpvp2 (hint hint) what rank am I?
@QuitRunning @ratchetqueen69(no forums) @Blueman05 @Stacker7 @JColt @ace123jimbob
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: WolfieStrafes The offender's exact ingame name:...
I might try that xD
ROASTED.......... jk
lol I like to use left control to sprint but w to still go forward. XD
Happy Thanks Giving guyzzzzzz :>
No support. When applying for mod, you are doing it for the server and for others, not a reward. Although they should get a reward, I think...
I hold down the control key to sprint. I've been doing this ever since I got minecraft because it's just easier for me.
Y? Are you just no supporting cuz i dont wanna undo the no support on ur thread?
SUPPORT! I would play infection again if the old maps were brought back. Nether, that one where you jump under the world by the lava, halloween,...
lol no xD you earned these no-supports
Support. Reasons stated above. :)
No support. The kits for god and above are already op on every gamemode. If the higher ranks get lower time than its very unfair for people who...