Pretty sure Herf answered this thread, btw whats an im-mature?
Don't tp trap then
Except it was like 1 or 2 years ago when I donated so that makes no difference, that was when the server could hit more then 600 players and had...
you're not even banned tf
Neutral, I never knew it was lame ohno
Original Gamertag, but Nana is thee OG
I have 4 now and like 3 gods ;')
Waiiiiit, whats wrong?
Half the staff team are under the age of 12
No Chill Bantz
I thought she liked @Syndicade
Congrats, you deserved it bud
Congrats Exstat ;)
Congrats Kyle ;)
Congrats pal.
dont steal my man/sloth
Getting player heads, eZ Ban
lowkey bonding
Take a big bite of bread changes alot, support.