my ign: insolar offenders: Evil_cookie screenshots vvv flaming, filter bypass [ATTACH]
pack maker in the kohi community ^
why do they have to play that kohi gang gang three hunna music
nah, you could just log in an alt and grind levels on it, gets rid of all the skill needed for vanilla pvp
ign: insolar offenders: Jokeplayer25 cursing/filter bypass screenshots [ATTACH]
my ign: Insolar offenders: Jokeplayer25 cursing me out in chat multiple times, he's so confident that he's not getting muted xddd 2 screenshots...
Yeah exactly, thats why I want it to be fixed
But what about the fact that you can suffocate to death when you log out in mines? Is that ever going to be fixed??
Im kind of new to prison, that's probably why I didn't know. But I'd still like for it to be fixed so those that don't know about it don't lose picks
So recently I've lost like 2 good picks because of this damn bug. Whenever you use "Super Breaker" with your pickaxe, once it fades you'll lose 1...
welcome to forums
you're late man
my ign: Insolar offenders: MrF1shy, cursing in chat, filter bypass screenshots: [ATTACH]
my ign: insolar offenders: Andrew_301_S telling me to end my life screenshots vvv[ATTACH]
my ign: insolar offenders: _Hannahvibes flaming screenshots: [ATTACH]
Ign: Insolar offender: bkboucher Cursing in chat even though she can just be on plot chat lmao unreasonable screenshots [ATTACH]
MY ign: Insolar Offenders: bkboucher Cursing in chat Screenshots[ATTACH]
later gator