Again, someone being known in the community has no impact on their ability to moderate the server.
"Well known"-ness, has nothing to do with one's ability to moderate this server. That's not something you should be making your judgment off of.
Anvil trapping now? How many more things can break on that server.
has pluto cleared its orbit of all other large celestial bodies? no
You should move your pfp up some so it fits in the box correctly.
"2fa: no" Meet requirements: yes" Yea, okay.
preparing the bot army
what a weeb
forced memes
People replying to a dead thread amirite.
The mods have to archive it to the correct archive. It cannot be done automatically.
Giving normal users the ability to move their own threads? That's what I'm getting from your post. Bad idea.
You'd still need a mod to move it. Pointless.
Read the whole article before you come to a conclusion, please.
OPPrison has been dying for more than a year now.
you can't, checkmate.
prove i dont