Nerfing eggs will make donors even more pay2win.
That's the point. It's entirely pay-to-win and has been for the past few years.
That's the point. Even with eggs, it's still pay2win after the reset.
"You can hear the haters typing already." Are you not prepared for disagreement? If you ask almost any infection player from before the reset,...
If Akrill gives me 3 jobs again, sure. ;) #ReleaseTowny2k16
"How do players grief? We have Griefprevention! Absolutely true! We have griefprevention, and it works like a charm." I'll tell you right now that...
Sheep spawn egg id: 383:91 Cow spawn egg id: ? In the factions shop, the id for both the cow and sheep spawn egg are 393:91. I don't know the...
Ty for giving me a good laugh looking back at irl pics (Page 178 to be exact)
"harder to obtain" *Thinks back a couple days to grinder*
I was honestly wondering whether to avoid this anime or not.
Beta was fun, why not let the community enjoy it? I've known for months that it was ready for release, so I was surprised that it wasn't.
I've been waiting a while, and from what I know, towny is ready for release. I don't know if/when Cyp will release it though :(. All I can say...
Another reason to avoid creative, great :).
I'll just tell you now that it does do damage.
I'm pretty sure they lowered the price of diamonds now. I agree with Elrak on the addition of gp and glistening melons.
:D This will be very helpful.
If Cyp is willing to spend money for it, I'd appreciate it. Support because I'd like our skeles to stop shooting each other when I'm standing nearby.
Is Power your McMMO level? If so, 806. Also, I think we're allied with you, so we're good, I hope. :)
Well, due to the term "OP" in OP PvP, shouldn't "spam hit pvp" be more overpowered then 1.9 pvp, hence leaving it be?
Florida dou...