That is true, maybe make the guns a little weaker.
Boi You are pay to win So No support Know what EULA is rich kid
I guess Support for all of the bedwars servers
what? if you read it i actually say no support... 2 lines above the first smiley face and to the right
Not really... It is just the same weapons in GTA just you add 3 more melee weapons
But with KitPvP style. This is more KitPvP than GTA. All swords would actually be normal, so those guns that are swords would be changed to a dif...
Only straight savages or hardcores do weed or any type of drug/alcohol inside of the school. Btw, Peer Pressure is REAL. It might seem fake af,...
lol at first i thought you said 2500 cash but then It is some system your school uses XD
Because of the New Update, Gamemodes are disabled now. Please go to my thread in the Suggestions area and please support to remove the new update,...
So your saying is if a normal white Young Freshman sees a thug type black jacked senior do that, you think results turn out fine?
Don't be a snitch, just ignore. Don't make you look bad because some people who do that might do crazy things. Some people change, don't hold them...
It means I did not see it
Nice, you live in Hawaii!!!
To tell you the truth as said above ^^^ on drugs You might go from not knowing anything about them, to knowing about ones people never heard of....
wow this is wonderful ima make my mod app from this was so good
Lol you follow that you will be going down the path of failure and drop out
Okay It is easy what to do: Don't talk to anybody. Be direct, someone asks a question answer it then just shut up. Don't let the teacher call on...
Wasnt on the first page...
Wow, This is the best I have ever seen. You are greatly active on forums. I see you every HOUR on each gamemode all the time. You put a lot of...