Um.... SUPPORT!!!! They NEED to fix all go this stuff. I need a reset! A fresh start! ;)
Support. *Blah Blah Blah* More words :D
No support. I don't feel this is really necessary. I mean @Alex is an awesome mod and she didn't even have 50 messages when she applied. :wacky:
Thank you! It was a PREDICTION. I didn't know if it was going to be true or not.
SUPPORT! (caps)
Intro: Hello everyone. I'm in the middle of making a club on Opprison. I wanted to make a raffle, so I made an anvil and I placed it down. Then...
Support! I don't have this problem (because I have no friends :() But I know other people that do have this problem.
What in the world go hades is this!! Is there no support in the off topic section, if so NO SUPPORT
Support! blah blah blah to short.
No support. I don't have issues with lag that often, I'm fine.
Support! this needs to be changed
I sleep all the time: But when Im not Im on Mineverse
Anytime swift. I may only be 11, but you can always come talk to me if ANYTHING or ANYONE is bothering you and I will cream them. :p
its nothing. In my opinion you should BE mod already! what is noobcrew waiting for!
Honestly, I don't even need to read your traits, or the whole application! You will make a perfect mod! I am so happy to call you a friend...
Ok ill see if I can find you
Well, I have never seen you in game before let me know where u usually play and ill try to meet u
Support! :D
No support. It's apart of the game! :)
I have to many reasons to no support. Here we go: New member Not seen In-game Please aheed the format of mod applications So on an so...