lol no1 gets it
ur in most negatives list congrats
talking about u but ok
lobsters also mate for life
wow ur so hot
kendall bc she's the only normal one
The point of the game is to tag someone that you feel fits the previous user's description Example: P1: Tag the best person on Earth P2: @Joben...
get a room
why r yall flirting with eachother
no u can have her
go away im sad rn i wish the trophies and the join date could transfer to here
stupid password sht didnt work before :(
im so sad im just gonna use this one
friends is awesome
YOUR in game name (I DON'T need your skin link): Joben333 (Optional) Other people in games name (This will make it near water if so many people...
idk ask ur mom
lol u sure dont hold back
grats on ur baby!