Open your eyes. However, I am going to support. When I did play here, I would notice people use hacks either if it was Kill Aura, Triggerbot, Safe...
glad u still remember me even though I haven't been on in like 3-4 months
I am lionbdcraft xD, well not the current one, because some idiot feels like its cool to steal someones name.
Keep my Skype on here, I'm fine with anyone who tries to resolve my IP. lol
Add me hunter.mendez1
zstrafe still plays mv?
im a god at pvp
who's screen is that
or maybe u could have just placed the sign there??
I would take everyone out in your gang
Exactly. His words literally mean nothing, smh.
@SuperDevon You destroyed me 2 days ago..? Wtf, I haven't even been on Mineverse over a month now. God you're honestly pathetic, lol, random....
If you're going to copy and paste information from online that's already there, cite where you get the information next time.
No support, If you want it, purchase it. No need to add it to ranks.
how dare you reject the almighty tensions..
IGN:tensions Age (does not matter): 9 1/2 Skype (you can give after accepted but if you dont have skype its not an issue): Rank: titan Why...