Your ingame name:SithKitten07 The offender's exact ingame name:ExplodedBore04 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Scamming me...
my ign sithkitten07 there ign lightningliam telling me to kys/ KillMySelf https://gyazo.com/70e80f9232756b1cbaa923b4922227d5
I will message you
No support
Your ingame name: SithKitten07 The offender's exact ingame name:expl0deb0ss A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hcking...
Yes we need them!! Also a sign for super gaps
Support !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need emeralds to trade with my villagers
my ign sithkitten07 there ign zuriel_heapy123 scammi ng me said 1v1 givebacks and never gave me my stuff...
I think it was A scam ):
Sorry I'm on a android and hate them
I messaged you
100k on what,
Ok I will do the kitpvp money and possibly the oppvp money
Let's do the deal now?
What rank are you on opprison?
Also how much for the oppvp money?