improvement? Max you went from support, neutral to now no support.
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: Devonleer Rule broken: TP Killing. Evidence: Read the chat you may need to pause the...
thank you for the reply.
different time zones.. I'm mainly active in the "help" Section.
may i ask what is wrong with my activeness?
I try to stay as active on as much gamemodes as possible. I normally get caught up helping players in survival or reporting some players who are...
Sorry you feel that way, how ever it's not really possible to be active on all gamemodes seeing how many gamemodes there are.. I am active on the...
well for 1 you are harassing me over a report i did on you. Please do not harass me anymore Thanks! (:
Be respectful to all and your life will be so much better and richer. (:
it is a problem just post your problem in bugs/exploits let them know that the issue is happening for lots of other players as well.
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: CeruLeanBlue Rule broke: Race discriminating/offensive language Evidence:...
contact them at [email protected] let them know about this glitch so they are aware and can proceed to find the error that is causing this glitch.
Hoppers disabled nothing you can do about it, i'm sorry for this inconvenience
My In-Game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-Game Name: Ian1nail rule broken: Advertising and spamming Evidence:
I believe this should be in the help section.
My In-game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders name: TeddyPixel Rule broke: Offensive language and disrespect. Evidence:
My Ingame_name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders name: Lapis_firestar Rule broke: Inappropriate language Evidence:
My In-game Name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders name: GrizzlyTrix Rule broke: Offensive language and disrespect Evidence: