No support. Try adding more detail, add traits that would sum up why you should become a mod Add some colour and bold topics to make it stand...
Cheers ;) Thanks nooby <3 I have edited and added your suggestions
Thank you ! :)
Thank you! I'm sorry if I was being mean or rude to you, perhaps I was having an off day :p I'm extremely sorry I will make sure to improve ;)...
Get active on forums and please fix up grammar ;)
A/N: Well, hello there! This is my second moderator application (technically 3rd, if you're planning on counting my AMAZING first application ;))...
No support
No support Reasons stated above
Yaaaas, I missed this map :)
Little to no information explaining why you should be moderator. Get more known on forums and in-game and you're good to go
When I came on the lobby this morning, there was one person who was repeatedly spamming and advertising a skywars server. I have provided you with...
You need to add tons more info. Just delete this and start fresh with the template provided above. Good luck
No support. Your application doesn't seem very serious and it's very childish. The fact that you quit a server when you were moderator because it...
As you say that you are very involved in survival and I'm sure you are. But as you also said, not many survival players are on the forums, this...
No support, you need to add more detail. I have never seen you online so get more into the server and forums. Please fix spelling and grammar also. :)
No support. Add more information, especially in the Why you should become a mod catergory. To improve this certain space, introduce your most...
Support, your application is great and you seem like you'd be a fabulous mod, even for 11 years old