Welcome back :D!!!
Neutral. You catch hackers on kitpvp all day long and that is pretty impressive. Although I have also noticed is some immaturity on kitpvp aswell....
Welcome back and your banned again lol.
Banned for talking about your anal glands on a minecraft forum page.
Maybe even head-mods can break the signs? @Pile_of_Butts @fryzigg @Nanurz ???
Thanks for your time as a staff member here :).
Oh nice. Let me know if you get on mv I will get on :D.
ez restart
Pretty good :). Are you getting a new laptop?
Pretty sure its me. Im typing this sooo yeah..
Something fishy. A bunch of people just got banned for no apparent reason....
Ommmggg welcome backkk :o
How are you doing? :)
So many people banned what...
Why all the bans?
What happened?
Im just tryna get out of the friend zone..