Basically like pay 2 win. If you can afford to buy that certain mouse or computer then you have the advantage. Just like @Marcore said.
I agree with @TADS4 adding that plugin would be way easier.
Thank you for the support! :) That picture tho. :P Added more Detail to my application. Thank you :)
Hope everyone had a great holiday! :)
Thank you for your support. :D Thank you all for the support! Hope to see you all in-game! :)
Thank you for your comment. Any specific reason you are choosing neutral? Thank you Ninja for your support. :)
Thank you for your support :)
No support. As stated above this could be easily abused by a couple of friends looking to make a large amount of money quickly. Also when was the...
I agree with @hider21 becuase sometimes staff members do occasionally make a mistake by banning a player that was not hacking. It doesn't happen...
Where exactly are these chest? In /warp plots? Or out in the free world in a faction claim? If in warp plots pehaps it is the plot denying you...
thank you Rakion for the support :)
Stay Glazey my Friends. Merry Christmas Eve!
Thank you Melgrath. Very well said. :) Thank you for your support :) Thank you all commenters and supporters! :) Have a happy holiday!
Pawnbender it's fine. some people may think otherwise about other players. But please no need to be upset/angry about it.
Thank you for the support Rob! :)
Thank you for the support athletic :)
Back from my trip with my wife! Had a great time. Be on soon. :)
No support
Ok well thank you for your comment. Thank you Mr_Smiley :) Thank you for the support! :)