Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.
This is disabled for a reason it isn't a bug, if you want this to be added please make a suggestion thread, Resolved.
The command takes a few seconds to update, if you had of closed it and re-opened it than he would have been online lets just face it that it won't...
This is bannable not really a glitch just players breaking the rules, if you have proof of this please report it to us in the report a player...
I take it's just you or the price they've set is way too high. EDIT: Make another post if there's still some kind of issue with this, these are...
errrrm no, I like the thought but it really isn't necessary. When you get moderator it isn't ment to be for the perks. We're here to help the...
I'd like a colour like this aswell or a dark purple bolded to really stand out.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.
before this becomes a month I thought I'd comment about all the new ones that need to be added.
Name Tags from what I heard cannot be fixed without removed the zombie skins which would bring back the problem from what I know of the mass...
@MaxNinja10 Could you please ban this player the ign from what i can see is thecoolkidS0rZ I can't get in game so that's why I'm tagging you.