No Support. Please do not get mod.
Paradox got his McMMO stats back by asking Cyp, so he should give mine.
@SSMH @NoobCupCake @tin15cro @Pile_of_Butts would be the only people who would really help you besides Cyp/Crew.
Only in astrayah. best country in world
Hey, I would like my McMMO stats back from my name change a while ago. New Name: xFeurin. Old Name: __EliteGamer__. Proof: [IMG] Stats: Repair:...
[IMG] This an insult?
Estás gei muy gei haha lol buena introducción :) Espero que te diviertas aquí (haha lol nice intro hope you have fun here)
we well that was ez xD
Accept me. make me owner. :]
Dupers are stupid
enable hoppers. ty
Thanks for your support.
hey but :]
Well, a tag to Cyp might be handy you know. Also, just incase you didn't know; The account belongs to JuJuRocks, but the only people who have...
*Sigh* I don't report people for no reason. :(
I believe this is enough proof... Like seriously, even so, if someone steals your name, I've been told by tin, it's a permanent mute until change.