26 Keep it coming my Pack!
haha I do complain a lot, yea. Mostly about bickering kids. >.<
Have one in return. :)
Can't believe I haven't made one yet. haha Well hi, I'm __BadWolf__, formally Mistycrow. My name is Misty, I'm 30 years old. Yes, really and, no...
Oh god... My mother loves chocolate bars with bacon in it. Weirdo!
Yes Do you like supernatural horror genre of movies? (Ghosts, aliens, demonic possession etc)
People who blare their music in their cars with the window down so loud I can feel the bass in my chest and eardrums. Flakes, people who make...
Uh you forgot to ask another one...
Nope - haven't had a new game in many years (Neti pot is used to rinse your sinuses and looks like this: [IMG] ) Do you play any Blizzard games...
Yes Do you know what a neti pot is?
rude much?
Daaang like DDR on speed for hands!
Wonderful! I enjoyed watching you draw. That little comic is funny. Keep it coming! Other people, come on! Join in on this! <3