/unban Ringo23 He is such a cool dude
I hate thinking that one day all these people I've met screwed up or fun to talk to will all be a distant memory one day ._.
Omfg I saw ur old account banned and I thought it was you ;-;
Just 2 more years :>
That's why she broke up with him twice :t
Notice how you made them all pretty much
You enjoy this a lot don't you
I was going to upgrade till my friends did and they can't use steam anymore >.< and I also like to wait 6 months for all the bugs to be fixed so I...
Can we hit Panda for an hour again while she's afk in lobby? ;D
You aren't following me </3 ;-;
Cartel ak47 and M4A4 dragon skin I forget name Best deal Eva ;D totally
LOL okey den
It's gone ;-;