Mc your one of the bestest friends Ive ever met on the interwebs we should start talking more <3
Congratulations :D. ,-, I'm not disappointed on your promotion I just miss the old players a lot well. I guess a newer generation has to come in...
Congratulations :).
tanks for the help <3
I miss the old kitpvp players :( @BuilderNicky1 @Wario @Asided @Dontchallengeme @MCExplore and many many more :(
Have a follow. :)
@CypriotMerks pls I love skywars I would like getting the big bucks for winning :P
jibon :(
(ikr the mc servers are down ,-,) I don't know my pc specs entirely but I know my core i7-5500u
I don't know you but I like you.
opps typo I meant to say minecraft.
Dang this is like a minecraft historical moment lol.
skywars kitpvp.
omg sakura kakashi I ship lol its a little messed up but o whale
Minecraft multiplayer.
I just wanna play mc
pls tell me how.