Banned for being a scrub
Appreciate the new me. I won't be as funny as I used to nor mess around like I used to.
Kills shonal p250. shonal: Hacks. Aimbotter :3 And did Elric complete the date yet?
Unfollowing everyone. Following important people only
Be my flashlight.
The awkward moment when I found you on another server
God dang grats. I doubt u remember me
Greetings Sire
Did I miss anything?
Everyone I knew changed. It's sad when you find out your friends are not real friends.
But remember. There can be douchebags like me who snowball players off ;3
Because you're amazing, just the way you are.
I'm yours~
^^ You'll know what I say
@Viper admit it. You would go gay for him
I knew you have felt gay before :D
Have you felt what it's like being happy?
Are you lying?