There he is, Doc! Let's land on him, we'll cripple his car.
I'm from the future. I came here in a Time Machine that you invented. Now I need your help to get back to the year 1985
Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. Ah... Are you telling me that you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?
Hey Mcfly! your shoes are untied
A soldier's most powerful weapon is courage
Don't Cry! Hold it back! Let it turn to something else
It's kind of strange, isn't it? How the mountains pay us no attention at all. You laugh or you cry... The wind just keeps on blowing.
he is just frozen at his plot he cant move at all
so my Cousin Shelbybutter (ign) and a couple of months ago he was on and got this minecart (God item) from some guy and he cleared it from it from...
dude it made creative fun but its your opinion
so any1 else want it back
all a lot of people in this thread is to have /head back
thanks for the support
awesome i love to see that even staff members want this back
nice dude thanks lets hope a mod or an admin or an owner sees this
nice man thanks lets hope they add it back in soon
yeah thanks man this is going to help a lot
if we maybe get a lot of people to support this we may get it back