Are you just bitter about your mod application or is this something else?
Ok, thanks!
My In-game name is Firefox15, and I am a Titan. I have received my my rank on all servers after relogging, but OP Prison does not even see me as a...
Thanks! Do you have any suggestions for what I should add?
My IGN: Firefox15 Offender's IGN: Diamond_smasher1 Diamond_smasher1 avoiding censor with offensive language in Survival[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Alright, thanks for reading my application! I'm on Survival right now if you want to talk in-game.
Thank you!
Thanks! My seemingly unpopular opinion is that color seems unprofessional, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks so!
Thanks! :)
I do actually, here it is: It is the same place, they were actively digging down to make the killing easier.[ATTACH] @fryzigg @Ares_Xena
My IGN: Firefox15 Offender's IGN: UncleUrnesto UncleUrnesto advertising for and using a deathwarp where he and evanisrad were waiting to kill...
Never forget what you are; The rest of the world will not. Use it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.
I do play Survival more than Skygrid, but thanks for the feedback!
Applying for Mod
Age: 15 IGN: Firefox15 Time Zone: Central Time Zone Country: United States Language: English Why do I believe that I should be a Mod?...
He never attacked me, he tpa'd WalperR and killed him. These screenshots are from his computer, he sent them to me. I'll get a quote from him if I...
My IGN: Firefox15 Offender's IGN: CRAZY_NOVAs CRAZY_NOVAs spamming and advertising in Survival[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My IGN: Firefox15 Offender's IGN: Bife Bife spamming on survival[ATTACH]