She said "you do have attitude problems. You are a psyco for a litte girl."
@PopIs_MyLife @Noobcrew @Musezeta My in game name was CookiezForever Musezeta. Its me :D
In 75 mins it will be live on youtube
The evidence is just coming
Your account name:Noobs_Be_Crazy The offender's forums account name:ReignOfFire A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They...
never mind i completed them again. Thanks for the advice Musezeta, i rembered about two and the last jumps doing together :)
@Musezeta Remember me, CookiesForever??
I was doing level 1 again when i completed and right clicked the sign whick made me two. Please Musezeta, remember that i was 4. @Musezeta
You do a reset on the server You give kit god a power 5 bow Dont have pwn filter because when i say something it says pwn filter lol Dont make so...
un ban me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you like people?
I dis-like you pileofbuts. Whats your obbsesion with bums?
i cant throw pears either
it doesnt work, i did it before it started logging me off.
I was pvp-ing and almost died so i pearled and then got glitched in a block by a boat near oldspawn. my team tried to help me but it kicks me...