Sorry savy I just have to say SUPPORT <3 got ya there didn't I <3
Yo add 2k on skywars.
Not to sure but I think so it's hells_redi or something or hellpvp I'll check soon for ya.
Dude shut up you're spamming his thread.. Ps stop saying negative s**** think positive..
Support ;>
Mineverse is not just about pvp...
Ohhh my brother has that xD he gets 100 fps.. and I get 55 I cri everitimi
Well for me I use my dads macbook but I had a acer which was really good I would get around 60fps
Walmart... :>
Brazil2170 :> Mili20/Hells something Hacking kill aura [media]
So sup guys i'm wondering if anyone can get premium or sponsor for my friend? I will be offering the following items. Kitpvp 500 Opfactions...
Can a moderator close this since the command has been removed.
Why the fudge is /jump added back.. Do you guys know how many faction players we're going to lose. All of the poor newbies that wasted 1 hour on...
Support. But if this is on factions no support.
And you're trying out for mod with this attitude.. You could of at least said it kinder..
Now I can support again :D
Nah factions needs pots.