@ShovelMcYT @Mega Invalid ban I was banned for saying b***. According to every moderator on this server that wont even count as warning points...
Shovel should be capitalized as its being used a a propper noun, cheers. I didnt make a flame war I was stating my factual opinion bud.
M8 have you ever heard of TheHiddenOne143? Yea boii eZpZ you know nothing :hilarious:
Look at this bs Mineverse 1v1 against KlutzyGiant4: [media] a real hacker hacking WITH PROOF but I get banned for being good? @RecognizedMMO get...
Here is a fun activey. Go on badlion with hacks, try to hack, it wont work. Now come on Mineverse with hacks. Oh whats that IT WORKS
Good? I'm the best :hilarious: Record over 4 dosen bans on Mineverse of hackers/scamers xxD
Full protection 4 kills? As I have seen rarley any players since all the good people left get kills... Lets see Unique_mama hacks, Th3Nick56...
Young boy have you heard of the term "Toggling hacks"? Which 100% of players do on this server? Like really name someone who plays without hacks...
Remember Pops. I dont care what you say <3 I thought we went over this? Like many times where I told you to step down :>:hilarious::lol: Now back...
Incorrect. Killaura hits for you. All you really do is have to talk around. If you're behind said hacking player it will auto hit them. Please...
How is ADVERTISING OTHER SERVERS NOT A PERM BAN?!?! This is actual trash now. I bet you $1000 if I even MENTIONED another server I'd get perm...
I created a forum report <3 thanks though babe
ShovelSweag @NinjaZ http://gyazo.com/0d65402a7d879f4e3f75d81eb4e0d6d8 SHREKT BOII
OI skiddy boy thanks for advertising <3 Perm ban from forums :L
Perm ban? Bish please I will perm ban you from Earth
Keep it up and I'll have yours too.
I'll be having her account soon
I don't know the full story yet I talk to baby almost every day... Sure buddy....
Even though she hates me @PandaBear__ (Apples) @VaMeSa123 (So close I feel as if we are family) @Zero_Inzanity (like a brother to me) I mean...