looking for someone to do a supreme to god upgrade! PM me for deal and stuff
Your ingame name: zPinger The offender's ingame name: mamacatmeow A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: plate glitching so they...
Your ingame name: zPinger The offender's ingame name: KIKA_K912 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
alright so recently i have made 3 reports about hackers and 2 of them were judged invalid by pandabear and in my evidence i clearly think they...
[media] Here is the other video
i might quit mineverse for a while way to many hackers and i recorded and reported them but they get unbanned in like 2 days it sucks ;-;
Your ingame name: Ravineek1 The offender's ingame name: Th3Nick56 Shreckings A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
Your ingame name:Ravineek1 The offender's ingame name: Zero_Inzanity A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: he was hacking...
one the vid is uploading the thingy will come up
Your ingame name: Ravineek1 The offender's ingame name: Zero_Inzanity A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
@Alexa @PandaBear__ @canucksfan44
Your ingame name: Ravineek1 The offender's ingame name: brownturd A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
[media] here is the proof dem headspins doe :>
i turned 11 today! :D
Your ingame name: Ravineek1 The offender's ingame name: GUSH3RINVAD3R abd Chrimst hacking (diffrent people) A description of what rule they...