No too much lava and seems really random
I'm confused. If you get a redstone torch you do the zombie get in then? @staffordjr9.
For the record my basement is very nice it have a pool table and a giant bean bag and a snowcone machine and a mini-fridge and an Xbox one. You...
Yes this can be imemented fairly easily if you look at the spawn of many servers like skyblock there is actually colored signs. It wouldn't be...
Alright can you let me know when you make a warp then?
What's the warp?
Support :) I've been wanting all of thesep
Bump thanks for all the support guys!
IGN? Ilikeicecream83 What Rank? I want mvp-elite Are you a Scammer? No I don't scam I hate being scammed cuz scammers are stupid What are you...
I like to play imaginary tag in the lobby
Cool desert 2 is fun can I suggest removing the stone slabs on hijacked people block glitch up there and it's immpossible to get there if your a...
@Shamrock10000 heres the thread
Got it thank you do you know what the exact character limit is?
Can someone tell me what's Going on with this? I'm confused
I made a map a lot like this one: But it looks good
Can you check out my infection map? Thanks I've gotten a lot of supporters and good comments on it. I've also made lots of improvements. Ty....
No it just got fixed a day or two ago
@3yerrt did u like my map when u came and saw it?