seems like a bit of an over reaction.
oh ok I didn't realise it was that severe, I i havent really experienced any of this. Not exactly sure what to suggest tbh
Im not lagging at all anymore,even on parkour, it may be a connection issue on your end
Thanks cyp you lovely person I will be sure to check out the new maps
Infection always will be
Your back :D,No longer confused
What does it do, if you mind me asking?
This would take a hell of a lot of work
Support Nice idea @Ares_Xena
I would be in favour of adding more maps and fixing the higher prestiges. This way i get my chance to be p10 for at least a bit of time :P
Sorry Fuse no support
well that clears that up. thanks @Ducky :)
I haven't experienced much lag since last week. so I'm guessing that was fixed then. No idea why you are lagging
looks quite good, I would advise adding in an intro. flixpress is good for free intros,along as you don't mind the email spam :)
*Attention* Flame War Incoming
He called you out there cyp
If you use mac there is quicktime player pre installed
Last time i checked i could play on 1.8 and 1.7.10?
Its like one of those phone convos about who is going to hang up first.:hilarious: